Friday, August 10, 2012

Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! I Love Bugs!

First, I have to apologize - I don't know why my computer is turning all of my pictures suddenly.
Next - even though our 'butterfly theme' is long done, we've had some impromptu experiences over the summer because of it.  Having gained confidence from rearing our purchased butterfly larvae, we have stumbled upon 'wild' caterpillars in the course of our daily nature walks/trips to the park, and enjoyed bringing the creatures home to study closely.


These beautiful creepy crawlies are actually moths.

As is this one - he did not like being handled - instantly curling up into a ball and thrashing wildly if he believed you were anything other than a twig or tree branch - much to the children's amusement.

We thought this dragonflies wings were busted, but after studying him for a few minutes, he casually flew away.  So cool!

Every kid loves a good wet worm!

And this was a beautiful surprise - just a simple black caterpillar we found, brought home, crawled up and form a chrysalis.  10 days later, we had a morning cloak butterfly.  Love!

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