Saturday, August 25, 2012

Alpha - You - Bet

Our theme leading into the new school year is letter & letter sound recognition (since we currently have kindergarten children in care).  I've broken the alphabet into four groups of letters (not consecutively) and we are taking a week/group to explore their sound/shape/letter activities.  This involves a lot of sensory exploration of printing.  For example, for the first set we made glitter glue letters, wrote the letters with white board markers, and did salt printing (put salt on a cookie sheet in a thin layer and then trace shapes/symbols/letters through the salt - very sensory for young children).

Here's a look at the activities we did for the first group of letters.  Of course, there are many of options, this is just what we picked.

C - is for Car wash (hotwheels in the water table - loved this!)

D - is for Dominoes

H - is for Hula Hoop

P - is for Paper chains (with the letters printed on each - we will keep growing these)

For P we also painted and did puzzles.
L - is for Lego
J - is for jump rope
Stay tuned for the rest of the alphabet...

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