*I plan to use this page as a means of sharing some of the high quality children's resources I have available and have used in the past. Here is an example of how I might implement a literacy based learning experience, where I take an outstanding sampling of children's literature and extend learning and understanding by planning activities across a wide range of children's development:
Our program revolves around exciting theme activities, and high quality children's literature.
As an example of the way we do this, we will use our theme of Weather.
One of the books we use is 'Cloudette' by Tom Lichtenheld. After exploring the story several times, we also participate in the following activities:
A visit to the spray park (the umbrellas add some fun, and allow us to have some good conversations about rain and weather)
Paper plate rainbow craft
Fireworks finger paint craft
Nature walk to the field, followed by a cloud gazing session
special marshmallow snack
dramatic play - rain dance (using our bodies to recreate the sounds of a thunderstorm)
make and decorate a rain stick
Here are some other titles in this theme we explore:
*Please check back again for further examples of literacy education for young children.